Freedom of information response
ASC Services
ASC Waiting List
1. Please provide detailed statistics on the current number of individuals on the ASC waiting list, including social workers, Carers, and OT assessments.
2. What is the duration of the most extended wait currently on the list?
3. What is the average waiting time for Service Users of Adult Social Care from the request for assessment to the assessment being carried out?
4. How many people are on the waiting list?
5. Do you use or plan to use additional support (e.g. locums, private sector organisations) to reduce the waiting list?
6. Have you used any external organisations to reduce waiting lists in the last year, please give the name of the organisation(s) and the number of assessments completed by them.
7. Do you have an official contract with any organisations or individuals to provide Assessments or annual reviews, and when is this due to end?
8. If you are looking at using an external organisation to deliver assessments or annual reviews, when can you do this?
9. Please provide the current ASC and Occupational Therapy Service Lead or equivalent contact details.
Impact on Residents
10. What measures are being taken to mitigate the adverse effects on residents waiting for ASC services?
Mortality and Hospital Admission Data
11. How many individuals have passed away while on the waiting list for ASC services?
12. Please provide data on the number of ASC-funded clients admitted to hospitals and subsequently admitted to residential or nursing care placements.
ASC Frontline Workforce Vacancies
13. What are the current vacancies in the ASC frontline workforce?
14. Which post has been vacant for the longest time, and how long has it been?
Challenges in Filling Vacancies
15. What are the challenges and reasons for filling these vacancies within the ASC workforce?
16. Have you considered international recruitment? If yes, do you use Recruitment agencies with a global presence?
ASC Waiting List:
- Please provide detailed statistics on the current number of individuals on the ASC waiting list, including social workers, Carers, and OT assessments.
OT Assessments – 282, Carers care and support assessments – 6 Care and support assessments - 80
2. What is the duration of the most extended wait currently on the list?
392 days
3. What is the average waiting time for Service Users of Adult Social Care from the request for assessment to the assessment being carried out?
Average waiting times as at 30th November is 66 days for a care and support assessment and 73 days for an OT assessment
4. How many people are on the waiting list? 367 individuals
5. Do you use or plan to use additional support (e.g. locums, private sector organisations) to reduce the waiting list?
Yes, we are exploring increased hours within service area, agency OT and increased use of incumbent provider
6. Have you used any external organisations to reduce waiting lists in the last year, please give the name of the organisation(s) and the number of assessments completed by them.
None waiting list specific. Incumbent provider is established service delivery model.
7. Do you have an official contract with any organisations or individuals to provide Assessments or annual reviews, and when is this due to end?
Yes, for OT Service. 30/09/2027
No for ASC care and support needs assessment.
8. If you are looking at using an external organisation to deliver assessments or annual reviews, when can you do this?
No. Agency Social Work and Occupational Therapist is being explored.
9. Please provide the current ASC and Occupational Therapy Service Lead or equivalent contact details.
We are unable to provide this information as there is no generic email address for ASC/Occupational Therapy.
Impact on Residents:
10. What measures are being taken to mitigate the adverse effects on residents waiting for ASC services?
Continuous review of current waiting / allocations list and initial RAG rating applied at point of contact. Alternative support options explored where change in circumstances are identified.
Mortality and Hospital Admission Data:
11. How many individuals have passed away while on the waiting list for ASC services?
We are not able to provide this information.
12. Please provide data on the number of ASC-funded clients admitted to hospitals and subsequently admitted to residential or nursing care placements.
In Quarter 2 (July-September 2023) there have been 10 clients admitted to long-term residential or nursing care placements upon discharge from hospital.
ASC Frontline Workforce Vacancies:
13. What are the current vacancies in the ASC frontline workforce?
14. Which post has been vacant for the longest time, and how long has it been?
Team Manager - Transition Team – One year
Challenges in Filling Vacancies:
15. What are the challenges and reasons for filling these vacancies within the ASC workforce?
Reasons are various but mainly lack of suitable candidates and market conditions.
16. Have you considered international recruitment? If yes, do you use Recruitment agencies with a global presence?
Yes, we have considered but have not acted yet.