Freedom of information response

Boarding school placements for children in care

Publication date: 
Tuesday 1 October 2024

The statutory guidance for local authorities "Promoting the education of looked after children and previously looked after children" states: "The child’s wishes and feelings should be taken into account, and the suitability of the education setting tested by arranging an informal visit with the child. Where a looked after child would benefit from attending a boarding school, either in the state or independent sector, VSHs and social workers should be proactive in considering this option."

Further to this guidance please advise:

1. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in mainstream boarding school placements?

2. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in Special Educational Needs boarding school placements?

3. What procedure (if any) do you have to consult children in care "Looked After Children" about the option of a boarding school placement? What record (if any) do you have of the number of children in care "Looked After Children" - in both number and percentage – who were asked about such an option, in the financial year 2023/24? How many of them expressed a wish to proceed with it?

4. How many informal visits that you arranged, to mainstream boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24?

5. How many informal visits that you arranged, to SEN boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24?


The statutory guidance for local authorities "Promoting the education of looked after children and previously looked after children" states: "The child’s wishes and feelings should be taken into account, and the suitability of the education setting tested by arranging an informal visit with the child. Where a looked after child would benefit from attending a boarding school, either in the state or independent sector, VSHs and social workers should be proactive in considering this option."

Further to this guidance please advise:

  1. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in mainstream boarding school placements? Answer: None
  1. How many of your children in care "Looked After Children", in both number and percentage, are currently in Special Educational Needs boarding school placements? Answer: 11 children, 3.9% of the children looked after population. 
  1. What procedure (if any) do you have to consult children in care "Looked After Children" about the option of a boarding school placement? What record (if any) do you have of the number of children in care "Looked After Children" - in both number and percentage – who were asked about such an option, in the financial year 2023/24? How many of them expressed a wish to proceed with it? Answer: We do not have a procedure in place to consult with children regarding the option of boarding schools. We do not have a record of the number of children and percentage – who were asked about an option in the financial year 2023/24.
  1. How many informal visits that you arranged, to mainstream boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24? Answer: None, informal visits are not undertaken by the social worker, all visits are statutory visits by virtue of the role.

5. How many informal visits that you arranged, to SEN boarding schools, for children in care "Looked After Children" took place in the financial year 2023/24? Answer: None, informal visits are not undertaken by the social worker,  all visits are statutory visits by virtue of the role.

Request reference:
FOI 14301