Freedom of information response

CCTV Cameras

Publication date: 
Thursday 7 November 2024

I’d like to issue a Freedom of Information request for the following information: 

•    The total number of CCTV cameras you currently have in your area (the most recent data available)
I’m aware that you probably won’t have data for private CCTV cameras, so please just share the most complete number you have available, both residential and commercial, council-owned and otherwise.


The Council have 900 CCTV cameras which are all owned and operated by Thurrock Council. Approximately 10% of those are on public open space land e.g. towns and villages with the rest fitted inside and outside of Council owned high- and low-rise Tenant accommodation, sheltered housing complexes, libraries, Council Depots and other Council owned facilities. All cameras are there for the purposes of crime prevention, detection and reporting of anti-social behaviour and the prosecution of offenders. The Council does not have any CCTV based at commercial property.

Request reference:
FOI 14421