Freedom of information response

Children's services

Publication date: 
Tuesday 13 February 2024

The number of early help assessments completed in the past year (October 2022 to October 2023).

The number of section 47 enquiries completed in the past year.

Number of children subject to CIN Plan as of 16 October 2023.

Number of children subject to CP Plan as of 16 October 2023.

Please share the local authority's scheme of delegation, case transfer policy (including step-up/down from or to early help).

Please share the most recent self-evaluation of children's social work practice and any peer review or similar external evaluation of practice, carried out in the last 12 months.

Please share the children's services workforce development strategy, including the core training and development offer for social workers and their managers.

Please share the early help strategy, any associated action plan and relevant management information on the quality, timeliness and impact of the early help provided to children and their families.

Please share the annual report of the headteacher of the virtual school and any other relevant plans.

Please share the local authority’s offer for care leavers.


The number of early help assessments completed in the past year (October 2022 to October 2023) – 1,054 from 1 October 2022 to 1 October 2023

The number of section 47 enquiries completed in the past year – 548

Number of children subject to CIN Plan as of 16 October 2023 – 410 (as of 24 October)

Number of children subject to CP Plan as of 16 October 2023 – 122 (as of 24 October)

Please share the local authority's scheme of delegation, case transfer policy (including step-up/down from or to early help) – please see attached (Transfer Protocol)

Please share the most recent self-evaluation of children's social work practice and any peer review or similar external evaluation of practice, carried out in the last 12 months – please see attached (Self-Assessment)

Please share the children's services workforce development strategy, including the core training and development offer for social workers and their managers – under review and not finalised. 

Please share the early help strategy, any associated action plan and relevant management information on the quality, timeliness and impact of the early help provided to children and their families – please see attached (Brighter Futures Strategy and Early Help Data)

Please share the annual report of the headteacher of the virtual school and any other relevant plans - please see attached (Annual Report Virtual Schools.)

Please share the local authority’s offer for care leavers –

Request reference:
FOI 13403