Freedom of information response

Compulsory Purchase Order

Publication date: 
Monday 2 September 2024

Can you advise if any properties or areas of land within Thurrock are affected by a live Compulsory PurchaseOrder? If so, can you provide a list/map of the affected areas?
By 'live' we mean a CPO that has been made but not yet confirmed by the acquiring authority


The Council are not aware of any properties or areas of land within Thurrock which are currently affected by a live Compulsory Purchase Order.

There are a couple of major infrastructure projects within the Borough – namely the Lower Thames Crossing and the Norwich to Tilbury National Grid project – and these will most likely involve CPOs, but at this stage neither of these have reached final Government approvals so it is assumed that no CPOs will be in place at this time.

Request reference:
FOI 14199