Freedom of information response

Deputyships and Appointeeships

Publication date: 
Tuesday 19 November 2024

The FOI request is based around Deputyships and Appointeeships that the authority provides for service users. 

Please note that the following are areas that commonly use these services, but not limited to:  Direct Payments; Client Financial Affairs (the Council acting as Corporate Appointee and property and affairs Deputy); Adult Social Care

1.     Do you currently use an external provider to manage your Court of Protection, Deputyships, Appointeeships, and if so, what is the provider’s name? If not, is the Council looking at outsourcing this area in the next 3-5 years?

2.     What date does the current contract expire (if applicable)?

3.     What is the name, email address and phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract/ or potential contract?

4.     Which services within the Council or associated partners have an agreement with the provider (if applicable?)

5.     What is the annual cost of this contract (if applicable)?

6.     Does the Council have a preferred suppliers list for solicitors/companies undertaking Deputyships/Appointeeships where service user is over threshold, if so please supply details?

7.     If the Council does have a preferred supplierlist please confirm the name, email address and contact number for the personand team that manage this list.

8.     How many Deputyships and Corporate Appointeeshipsdoes the Council currently manage?

9.     How many referrals have been made to the Councilfor Deputyships in the last 3 years?

10.  How long on average does it take from initial referral to the application for Deputyship being submitted to the Court of Protection?

  1. Do you currently use an external provider to manage your Court of Protection, Deputyships, Appointeeships, and if so, what is the provider’s name? No   If not, is the Council looking at outsourcing this area in the next 3-5 years? No

2.     What date does the current contract expire (if applicable)? N/A

3.     What is the name, email address and phone number of the person and team that manages the Contract/ or potential contract? N/A

4.     Which services within the Council or associated partners have an agreement with the provider (if applicable?) N/A

5.     What is the annual cost of this contract (if applicable)? N/A

6.     Does the Council have a preferred suppliers list for solicitors/companies undertaking Deputyships/Appointeeships where service user is over threshold, if so please supply details? No

7.     If the Council does have a preferred supplier list please confirm the name, email address and contact number for the person and team that manage this list. N/A

8.     How many Deputyships and Corporate Appointeeships does the Council currently manage? 121

9.     How many referrals have been made to the Councillor Deputyships in the last 3 years? Approx 41

10.  How long on average does it take from initial referral to the application for Deputyship being submitted to the Court of Protection? No statistics available for reporting, estimated 9 months

Request reference:
FOI 14470