Freedom of information response

Dog Breeding Licensing

Publication date: 
Monday 19 August 2024

1. How many dog breeding businesses does your local authority currently licence that are licensed to keep:.  

a. 10 or less dogs for breeding purposes

b. 11 to 25 dogs for breeding purposes

c.        26 to 50 dogs for breeding purposes

d.       51 to 100 dogs for breeding purposes

e.       101 to 200 dogs for breeding purposes

f.        200 or more dogs for breeding purposes

2. How many of those businesses that keep 11 or more dogs have the following star rating:      

i. One star    

ii. Two star

iii. Three star

iv. Four star

v. Five star

3. What is the highest overall number of dogs currently registered on a valid dog breeding licence issued by your local authority?

NB For the purposes of this request ‘dogs’ includes females and males.


Your Request | Our Response

1. How many dog breeding businesses does your local authority currently licence that are licensed to keep:.  

a. 10 or less dogs for breeding purposes - 8

b. 11 to 25 dogs for breeding purposes - 0

c.        26 to 50 dogs for breeding purposes - 0

d.       51 to 100 dogs for breeding purposes - 0

e.       101 to 200 dogs for breeding purposes - 0

f.        200 or more dogs for breeding purposes - 0

2. How many of those businesses that keep 11 or more dogs have the following star rating:       N/A We do not have any businesses with over 11 dogs.

i. One star    

ii. Two star

iii. Three star

iv. Four star

v. Five star

3. What is the highest overall number of dogs currently registered on a valid dog breeding licence issued by your local authority? 10

Request reference:
FOI 14103