Freedom of information response

Domestic abuse services funded by your local authority 

Publication date: 
Tuesday 10 September 2024

Q1. Refuge/safe accommodation services
Please fill out this table with information about all the refuge and/or safe accommodation services for survivors of domestic abuse that your local authority funds in your area in 2024/25, including any refuge/safe accommodation services that are delivered in-house.

Refuge/safe accommodation services 
a. Which organisation/s do you currently fund to run refuge and/or safe accommodation in your area?    B.  When did the current contract for this commissioned service start?  (Month/Year)    c.  When does the current contract for this commissioned service end? (Month/Year)    d. How is the funding for this service delivered? Please mark as many options as relevant with an 'X'.     E. If known, how many bedspaces for adults does your local authority fund this organisation to provide? 
            Commissioned funding    Grant funding    Service delivered in-house    Other (please specify) / Comments    
e.g. Avon Valley Domestic Abuse Service    e.g. May 2024    e.g. May 2027    X    X         e.g. mixture of contract and grant funding.    E.g. 12

f. If there is any other information you would like to provide to clarify your answers to Q1 please tell us here:

Q2. Non-refuge/community-based services: 
Please fill out this table with information about any non-refuge/community-based services for survivors of domestic abuse your local authority funds in your area in 2024/25, including any services delivered in-house. Please include details of any non-refuge/community-based services you fund which are provided by organisations already listed in Q1. 
Non-refuge/community-based services
a. What non-refuge/community-based services do you currently fund for survivors of domestic abuse in your area?    B. Which organisation/s currently hold/s this contract? 
E.g. Domestic abuse outreach service and IDVA project    e.g. Avon Valley Domestic Abuse Service


Please see attached

Request reference:
FOI 14232