Freedom of information response

EOTIS, EHE and s19

Publication date: 
Wednesday 27 November 2024

How many staff make up your SEND department?

How many staff make up your EHE department?

What is the staffing structure of your Education department.

Are all your SEND staff and EHE staff trained in EOTIS (s61 Children and Families Act) S19 educational provision (s19 Education Act), and EHE (parental choice s7 Education Act)?

If not trained what percentage of staff are trained in all three areas, and what percentage are trained in each area and what percentage have not received this training?

How do you ensure your SEND staff gives accurate information to parents whose child has an EHCP and are considering EHE rather than EOTIS or s19?

What is the current 2024 Job description for your Front line EHE staff.

What is the current 2024 Job description for your Front line SEND staff

What is the current 2024 Job description for your EHCP co-ordinater

What procedures do you have in place to ensure a parent with a child with SEND who chooses to EHE is not indirectly discriminated against?

What procedures do you have in place to ensure a parent with a child with SEND who chooses a special school place or believes EOTIS is the correct Educational setting for their child is not forced into EHE?


How many staff make up your SEND department? 20
How many staff make up your EHE department?   5
What is the staffing structure of your Education department. (see attached)

Are all your SEND staff and EHE staff trained in EOTIS (s61 Children and Families Act) S19 educational provision (s19 Education Act), and EHE (parental choice s7 Education Act)? Yes

If not trained what percentage of staff are trained in all three areas, and what percentage are trained in each area and what percentage have not received this training?

How do you ensure your SEND staff gives accurate information to parents whose child has an EHCP and are considering EHE rather than EOTIS or s19? Staff training, induction and regular updates.

What is the current 2024 Job description for your Front line EHE staff. This is publicly available on previous job adverts that be found on the internet.
What is the current 2024 Job description for your Front line SEND staff This is publicly available on previous job adverts that be found on the internet.
What is the current 2024 Job description for your EHCP co-ordinator – We do not have EHCP coordinators
What procedures do you have in place to ensure a parent with a child with SEND who chooses to EHE is not indirectly discriminated against? We follow the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and comply with the 2014 Children and Families Act

What procedures do you have in place to ensure a parent with a child with SEND who chooses a special school place or believes EOTIS is the correct Educational setting for their child is not forced into EHE? We follow the SEND Code of Practice 2015 and comply with the 2014 Children and Families Act

Request reference:
FOI 14531