Freedom of information response
Free School Meals
The number of pupils (age 5-11) registered for Benefits Based Free School Meals (BBFSM) in both the last (22/23) and the current (23/24) academic year.
I would like you to provide this information in the following format.
• Total number of Pupils (Age Range 5-11)
• Number of Pupils Registered for BBFSM (Age Range 5-11)
The total number of pupils has been provided using the autumn census data:
For the academic year 2022-23
1A. Total number of Pupils (Age Range 5-11) - 17,565 pupils on roll for Reception to Year 6
1B. Number of Pupils Registered for BBFSM (Age Range 5-11) – 4,587 entitled pupils
For the academic year 2023/24
1A Total number of Pupils (Age Range 5-11). The autumn census information is not yet available and therefore the current number on roll cannot be provided
1B Number of Pupils Registered for BBFSM (Age Range 5-11) - 5,575 entitled pupils