Freedom of information response

Harmful Parental Conflict vs Domestic Abuse

Publication date: 
Thursday 12 September 2024

Harmful parental conflict and domestic abuse can happen when parents are together and/or when they are separated (known as post separation abuse). One distinguishing feature between the two is where there is an imbalance of power, e.g. due to disability.

Please see attached webpage from Leeds Council, in which it is stated:

"Often it is clearer to identify where domestic abuse (or violence) is a concern. However, sometimes it can be more challenging to differentiate between parental conflict and domestic abuse.

Leeds has adopted the Stefanou Foundation Intimate Relationship Spectrum to assist practitioners in determining whether families are experiencing parental conflict or domestic abuse."

I would like to know what Thurrock’s Children's Social Care has adopted to assist its social workers in determining whether families are experiencing parental conflict or domestic abuse? The two are very different (although can look similar), and it is important social workers are able to identify which is happening as the response needed will differ.

Secondly, please may I be provided with a copy of the material used (e.g. Powerpoint Presentation) from any training session that has recently been delivered internally to your social workers on this subject. I have attached a document from Bedford Council as an example.

Thirdly, please may I be provided with a copy of any material that is held by the Council that is accessible to its social workers on the topic of 'Identifying between harmful parental conflict and domestic abuse'. I have attached a guide created by Tower Hamlets that is used to assist its social workers.


I would like to know what Thurrock’s Children's Social Care has adopted to assist its social workers in determining whether families are experiencing parental conflict or domestic abuse? The two are very different (although can look similar), and it is important social workers are able to identify which is happening as the response needed will differ.


Thurrock Childrens Services staff have been provided support in a number of ways to help them determine whether families are experiencing parental conflict or domestic abuse. They are as follows:

  • Thurrock Childrens Services has adopted the Parental Relationships Spectrum (The For Baby’s Sake Trust) (attached) to help staff to make a distinction between parental conflict and domestic abuse.
  • The Parental Relationships Spectrum features in the Reducing Parental Conflict (RPC) Awareness Presentation slides (attached) we use to train staff in these matters.
  • We have also devised an Interventions Flowchart (attached) that helps staff to signpost parents who are: in conflict: separating: separated: violent towards one another and in conflict with their children, to the right service
  • Practitioners (and residents) have access to One Plus One digital resources (we purchased the licence about two years ago and have it in place till Sept 2025). The website provides practitioners and residents access to a plethora of RPC digital resources which help them to make a distinction between parental conflict and domestic abuse.

Secondly, please may I be provided with a copy of the material used (e.g. PowerPoint Presentation) from any training session that has recently been delivered internally to your social workers on this subject. I have attached

a document from Bedford Council as an example.

Please see attached. The name of the presentation is called “RPC Awareness Presentation JS – V1. Slidedeck.pdf”


Thirdly, please may I be provided with a copy of any material that is held by the Council that is accessible to its social workers on the topic of 'Identifying between harmful parental conflict and domestic abuse'. I have attached a guide created by Tower Hamlets that is used to assist its social workers.

All of the Thurrock Childrens Services staff who have attended RPC training are sent the slides used in the presentation (see attached the “RPC Awareness Presentation JS – V1. Slidedeck.pdf”) to refer back to. These slides set out clearly the distinction between parental conflict and domestic violence. In addition, we have on our Start for Life website, a webpage is dedicated to RPC which all staff (including residents of Thurrock) have access to. This webpage also assists practitioners to distinguish between domestic abuse and parental conflict. It signposts people visiting the site to the government website which also provides further information on this issue. Click Here to access the RPC webpage on Thurrock’s Start for Life website.

Finally, all staff have access to the RPC folder in Teams which contains numerous resources.

Request reference:
FOI 14246