Freedom of information response
Home Education
1. The number of home educated children in your local authority area as at school census date (5th October 2023) or, if not available, the nearest date to that day.
Please note that by 'home educated' I refer to children not registered in a school, not receiving education provided by the local authority, but receiving education provided by parents or guardians.
For this purpose, if your local authority moves home educated children to its 'children missing education' list prior to successful enforcement of a School Attendance Order, please also include those children in the data.
2. Please state whether or not your local authority has experienced a 'spike' (unusually high additional number) of removals from the roll from 5 October 2023 to 20 October 2023 and if yes, please indicate the number of additional removals from roll in that period.
1. 379.
2. No, Thurrock Council did not experience a spike between 5 October 2023 to 20 October 2023.