Freedom of information response


Publication date: 
Tuesday 13 February 2024

From the 1st September to the 31st November 2022:
a. How many homelessness cases were referred to Now Medical Ltd
b. Of those cases identified in 1a, how many cases concerned vulnerability in relation to priority need under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996
c. Of those from 1b, how many responses from Now Medical Ltd supported the conclusion that the individual was vulnerable?
d. Of those from 1b, how many cases were then found to be vulnerable in the s.184 decision letter and therefore in priority need?


From the 1st September to the 31st November 2022:


a. How many homelessness cases were referred to Now Medical Ltd - 3

b. Of those cases identified in 1a, how many cases concerned vulnerability in relation to priority need under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996 - 3

c. Of those from 1b, how many responses from Now Medical Ltd supported the conclusion that the individual was vulnerable? – The sole records from that time documenting these referrals are payment records.  As such, no names or identifying information are available by which we could check homeless application records.  As such and given the hundreds of applications which would have been open at that time, we are unable to provide this.

d. Of those from 1b, how many cases were then found to be vulnerable in the s.184 decision letter and therefore in priority need? – See comment above, the same applies here.  Without a personal identifier, we are unable to identify the application and thereby check the result.

Request reference:
FOI 13410