Freedom of information response

Insurance Claims

Publication date: 
Thursday 30 May 2024

1.    Do you use claims management software to manage your insurance claims?
2.    If you do not, how do you currently manage your insurance claims?
3.    If you do use claims management software, what is the name of the software system you currently use?
4.    When is the contract for your current system up for renewal?
5.    When did you last carry out a formal tender exercise?
6.    What is the total annual cost of the system on an annual basis, over the last 5 years?
Year 1 
Year 2 
Year 3 
Year 4 
Year 5


1.       Do you use claims management software to manage your insurance claims? Yes

2.       If you do not, how do you currently manage your insurance claims? N/A

3.       If you do use claims management software, what is the name of the software system you currently use? JCAD

4.       When is the contract for your current system up for renewal? June 2028

5.       When did you last carry out a formal tender exercise?

The information cannot be provided as it not available. This is because the value of the contract circa £25,000 in accordance with the council contract procedure rule there is no requirement to undertake a formal tender exercise for contracts of this value.

6.       What is the total annual cost of the system on an annual basis, over the last 5 years?

Year 1 2019/20 £5,748 exc. VAT

Year 2 2020/21 £5,898 exc. VAT

Year 3 2021/22 £5,748 exc. VAT

Year 4 2022/23 £5,748 exc. VAT

Year 5 2023/24 £5,000 exc. VAT

Request reference:
FOI 13848