Freedom of information response
Occupational Health Services contracts and Compliance
I would like to request the following information relating to your Occupational Health Services contracts and Compliance:
1. Are your Occupational Health Services provided through an internal team or outsourced?
2. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?
3. How much did you spend in a year on Occupational Health services to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?
4. Is your employment vetting (compliance) provided through an internal team or outsourced?
5. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end?
6. If outsourced, does the contract have an extension?
7. If outsourced, have you ever used the extension?
8. How much did you spend a year on employment vetting to the nearest £100k for 2022/23?
I would like to request the following information relating to your Occupational Health Services contracts and Compliance:
1. Are your Occupational Health Services provided through an internal team or outsourced? We have an internal OH service, where Thurrock Council employ the OH practitioners. We buy the services of OH Physician for more advanced referrals.
2. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end? – N/A
3. How much did you spend in a year on Occupational Health services to the nearest £100k for 2022/23? N/A
4. Is your employment vetting (compliance) provided through an internal team or outsourced? Internal Team
5. If outsourced, what service do they provide and who is your service provider, when does the contract end? N/A
6. If outsourced, does the contract have an extension? N/A
7. If outsourced, have you ever used the extension? – N/A
8. How much did you spend a year on employment vetting to the nearest £100k for 2022/23? N/A