Freedom of information response


Publication date: 
Wednesday 9 October 2024

I am writing to you to request the following information regarding children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for the period of June 2022/2023 and June 2023/2024.


●    How many children and young people with SEND do you have recorded as being registered on roll at nursery, school and college but they are not actually attending?

●    What percentage of children and young people with SEND do you have recorded as being persistently absent from an educational setting? 

●    Out of the children in your area who have attendance concerns, how many have confirmed SEND, how many have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and how many are waiting for an EHCP assessment?

●    Of the children who missed more than 15 days of education, how many have been offered 21 hours of support as per Section 19 arrangements?

●    Of the children who have missed more than 15 days of education, how many have been left without provision? Of these, how many have confirmed SEND, how many have an EHCP and how many are waiting for an EHCP assessment?

Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP’s):

●    How many EHCP’s were issued within the 20 week statutory timeframe? 

●    How many EHCP’s  were issued outside of the 20 weeks statutory timeframe?

●    How many EHCP’s were reviewed within the 12 month statutory timeframe?

●    Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame, how many of those children were left without a suitable education?

●    Of the EHCPS that went over the statutory time frame, how many children were at a school where their attendance was under 90%?

●    Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame, how many children were offered alternative education and care, for example, in alternative provisions?

●    Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame how many parents were offered support for attendance difficulties to enable them to work?

●    Once an EHCP has been finalised, how many children received their first choice of school?

●    Once an EHCP has been finalised how many children had the type of provision named instead of a named school or institution?

Education Other than at School (EOTAS):

●    How many children and young people do you have recorded as being on an EOTAS package and what is the annual cost of this?
●    How many children do you currently have on Section 19 arrangements?
●    When children are unable to attend school or are left without a provision, how many parents are offered support to enable them to continue to work?
●    What was the total number of hours SEND children in your area were without school or education?

First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities):
●    How many EHCP decisions to assess went to tribunal?
●    How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?
●    How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?
●    How many EHCP refusal to issues went to tribunal?
●    How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?
●    How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?
●    How many appeals for sections B, F and I went to tribunal?
●    How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?
●    How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?
●    How many solicitor hours did the LA use in regard to any tribunal or mediation work?

●    How much did the Local Authority spend on tribunals?
●     Out of the cases for appeals in respect of school places (section I) that went to tribunal and went in favour of the child/ young person, how much did the LA save in respect of school fees which would have been due?
●    Out of the cases for appeals in respect of provision (section b and F) that went to tribunal and went in the favour of the child/ young person, how much did the LA save in respect of providing the provisions agreed upon?

Health and Social Care:
●    How many children and young people with EHCPs entered into adult social care?
●    Of these children and young people, what percentage experienced gaps/ disruption to their education?


●        How many children and young people with SEND do you have recorded as being registered on roll at nursery, school and college but they are not actually attending? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

●        What percentage of children and young people with SEND do you have recorded as being persistently absent from an educational setting?

Currently there is no duty placed on schools to report their data, there are 46 schools out of 56 ‘signed up’. Rather than offer no information we have extracted the following data, relating to current pupils, which may offer an indication of an over all picture.

19,754 pupils on roll

3,299 of those are PA pupils (16.7%)

741 PA pupils have SEN support (3.7%)

277 PA pupils have an EHCP (1.4%)

Total – PA pupils with SEND - 1,018 (5.1%)

●        Out of the children in your area who have attendance concerns, how many have confirmed SEND, how many have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and how many are waiting for an EHCP assessment? This information is held by schools and we do not have access to that information. We are able to report that there are currently 213 EHCPs referred to the local authority and are in process.  

●        Of the children who missed more than 15 days of education, how many have been offered 21 hours of support as per Section 19 arrangements? For those that the LA have been notified about all have been offered 10 hours of one to one tuition.

●        Of the children who have missed more than 15 days of education, how many have been left without provision? Of these, how many have confirmed SEND, how many have an EHCP and how many are waiting for an EHCP assessment? Schools do not always notify the LA of their poor attenders and as yet ,they are not all reporting their attendance to the DfE or to the Council. Therefore we are unable to answer this question reliably.

Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP’s):

●        How many EHCP’s were issued within the 20 week statutory timeframe? 22-23 75% 23-24 80%

●        How many EHCP’s  were issued outside of the 20 weeks statutory timeframe? 22-23 25%  23-24 20%

●        How many EHCP’s were reviewed within the 12 month statutory timeframe? We do not have this data

●        Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame, how many of those children were left without a suitable education? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

●        Of the EHCPS that went over the statutory time frame, how many children were at a school where their attendance was under 90%? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

●        Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame, how many children were offered alternative education and care, for example, in alternative provisions? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

●        Of the EHCPs that went over the statutory time frame how many parents were offered support for attendance difficulties to enable them to work? none

●        Once an EHCP has been finalised, how many children received their first choice of school? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

●        Once an EHCP has been finalised how many children had the type of provision named instead of a named school or institution?

We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

Education Other than at School (EOTAS):

●        How many children and young people do you have recorded as being on an EOTAS package and what is the annual cost of this?

●        How many children do you currently have on Section 19 arrangements?

●        When children are unable to attend school or are left without a provision, how many parents are offered support to enable them to continue to work? none

●        What was the total number of hours SEND children in your area were without school or education? We do not hold this information in a reportable format. It would therefore mean going through approx. 2300 case files to manually extract this information. Each manual check would take 5 -8 minutes. 5 x 2300 = 11,500 minutes or 191 hours

 First-tier Tribunal (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities):

●        How many EHCP decisions to assess went to tribunal?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 1

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 1

●        How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 3

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 6

●        How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 1

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 1

●        How many EHCP refusal to issues went to tribunal?

          June 2022-May 2023 – 2

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 0

●        How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 0

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 2

●        How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 2

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 0

●        How many appeals for sections B, F and I went to tribunal?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 5

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 5

●        How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 7

          June 2023 – June 2024 - 2

●        How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?

          June 2022 - May 2023 – 4

          June 2023 – June 2024 – 4

On going cases for June 23 – June 24

3 cases – Refusal to Issue

8 cases – Sections B, F & I

●        How many appeals for sections B, F and I went to tribunal?

●        How many of these cases did the LA concede on before tribunal?

●        How many of the cases which went to tribunal were won by parents?

●        How many solicitor hours did the LA use in regard to any tribunal or mediation work?

●        How much did the Local Authority spend on tribunals?

●        Out of the cases for appeals in respect of school places (section I) that went to tribunal and went in favour of the child/ young person, how much did the LA save in respect of school fees which would have been due?

●        Out of the cases for appeals in respect of provision (section b and F) that went to tribunal and went in the favour of the child/ young person, how much did the LA save in respect of providing the provisions agreed upon?

Health and Social Care:

●        How many children and young people with EHCPs entered into adult social care?

●        Of these children and young people, what percentage experienced gaps/ disruption to their education?

Request reference:
FOI 14316