Freedom of information response
Trading of HR services
I am interested in understanding Thurrock Borough Council’s trading of HR services.
Could you provide me with the following information please:
What was your overall traded income from traded HR services for each of the financial years 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24?
- Please break these figures down to show revenue vs profit
- Please also break this down by service type (HR advice & guidance, payroll, DBS checks, L&D etc)
What is your projected income for the next two financial years?
- Please break these figures down to show revenue vs profit
- Please also break this down by service type (HR advice & guidance, payroll, DBS checks, L&D etc)
Do you have a documented business plan or strategy for your HR traded services?
Profit is estimated at approx. 10%
Payroll service
21/22 - £35,875
22/23 - £78,461
23/24 - £72,727
HR Operations (DBS)
21/22 – £9.020
22/23 – £8,361
23/24 - £0
We don’t trade in any other aspects of HR services