Freedom of information response

Transport Vehicle Contracts

Publication date: 
Monday 5 August 2024

To assist us in our research, we kindly request the following information:

A comprehensive list of all transport vehicle contracts managed by your council, including contracts for private hire, public hire, minibuses (including vehicles with more than 8 seats), and coaches.

•         The number of companies that tendered for each of the contracts.

•         The name(s) of the transport vehicle company(s) that successfully won each contract.

•         The value of each contract, including the amount awarded and any relevant terms.

•         The start and end dates of each contract.

•         Information on when tenders for the next round of contracts will commence, including any scheduled dates or timelines.

•         Details regarding the platform or method used for the submission of tenders, such as an online portal or physical submission process.


The number of companies that tendered for each of the contracts.

Over 50 companies tendered for the children transport

•         The name(s) of the transport vehicle company(s) that successfully won each contract.

Information available on the councils online contract register

•         The value of each contract, including the amount awarded and any relevant terms.

Information available on the councils online contract register

•         The start and end dates of each contract. –

Information available on the councils online contract register

See link below to the contract register

•         Information on when tenders for the next round of contracts will commence, including any scheduled dates or timelines.

This is under review and no decision has currently been made.

•         Details regarding the platform or method used for the submission of tenders, such as an online portal or physical submission process.

Online e-tendering portal

In issuing our response the Council has applied S21 of the Freedom of Information Act.

This means that the information you have requested is already available elsewhere so is therefore exempt from disclosure. 

Request reference:
FOI 14006