Freedom of information response
Traveller Sites
1. Since 2016, how many new traveller sites have been created within the council’s area?
2. How much money has been spent on delivering or attempting to deliver pitches since 2016?
3. How many pitches has the council calculated it still needs?
1. The council have not created any new Gypsy and Traveller sites since 2016. However there are five new private sites that have appeared in the borough since 2916. Four of the private sites cumulatively provide 12 pitches with permanent permission and one site provides one pitch with temporary consent.
2. No money has been spent on delivering or attempting to deliver pitches since 2016 on council owned land.
3. The council has completed an updated Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) in 2023. The five year need for pitches 2023-2027 is for a further 28 pitches arising from need from both existing public and private sites and including unauthorised sites. This total was 29 but reduced by one as one permanent pitch was provided as one of five sites referred to above.
The total pitch need for period 2023 to 2040 ( including the five year need referred to above) is for at least 64 pitches arising from need on public and private sites and including existing unauthorised sites.