Freedom of information response
Use of Generative AI in Schools and Educational Institutions
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Digital Poverty Alliance (DPA) is requesting information from 2022 onwards regarding the use of generative AI in schools and other educational institutions under the control of your local authority.
We are seeking the following information:
1. Are subjects related to AI (such as AI literacy, Generative AI use, etc) being taught as a topic in the schools overseen by your organisation?
1. If so, what AI related information is being taught in each school?
2. How and in what format is AI-related information being taught?
3. How long has AI related learning been taught in each school?
4. Are all age groups taught this topic? If not, which groups/ages are being taught?
2. Are teachers using generative AI tools as part of their teaching or the setting of homework?
1. If so, what AI tools are they using?
3. Do the schools have specific policies relating to AI use?
1. If so, what are these policies?
2. If so, are the polices aimed at students or teachers?
3. Are there polices aimed at dealing with academic dishonesty? If so, what?
Unfortunately Thurrock Council are unable to provide the information you have requested. This is because you would need to ask the schools directly as we do not oversee curriculum as Thurrock schools are Academies and, therefore, set their own.