Freedom of information response

Weekly fees for types of care

Publication date: 
Tuesday 19 November 2024

Please provide your weekly base fee rate (being the base weekly fee paid during the period 1st April 2023 to March 31st 2024 ) for the following care types:

A. Nursing (Excl. FNC)

B. Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)

C. Residential (without nursing).

D. Residential (without nursing) with Dementia

Could you kindly provide the information requested at your earliest convenience? If there’s anything I can do to assist or clarify, please let me know.


A. Nursing (Excl. FNC) £689.12

B. Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC) N/A

C. Residential (without nursing). £622.24 - £663.22

D. Residential (without nursing) with Dementia £671.19 - £703.15

Request reference:
FOI 14476