
Large electrical transformer to travel through Thurrock

15 November 2024

There will be potential road disruptions through West Thurrock on Saturday 16 November, starting at 6pm due to the transportation of a large electrical transformer.

The transformer, weighing 155 tonnes and measuring nearly 70m in length, is being transported from the Port of Tilbury to a new National Grid substation in Woking. This is the first of five planned journeys over the next six months.

Due to weight restrictions at Junction 30 of the M25, the transporter will use a route through West Thurrock.

The journey has been carefully coordinated with police and highway authorities to ensure the safe passage of the load.

To enable the route, some street furniture such as bollards, traffic signals and railings will be removed before being re-instated once the electrical transformer has passed.  During this time there will be traffic management in place on the affected roads, which will cause some unavoidable disruption.

Roads affected include:

  • A1012
  • Treaclemine Roundabout
  • Arterial Road
  • Burghley Road
  • Fenner Road
  • A126 on-slip
  • Lancaster Roundabout
  • B186 West Thurrock Way
  • A1306 Arterial Road to Junction 31/M25

Please plan travel accordingly and avoid these areas between 6pm until 8pm if possible.