
Services in Thurrock to overcome loneliness

13 June 2024

Loneliness is a normal human emotion but it can often feel overwhelming and out of our control. When loneliness is severe or lasts a long time, it can have a negative impact on our health and well-being.

Loneliness is far more common than many people may think. In fact, 45% of adults in England feel occasionally, sometimes, or often lonely.

Fortunately, there are several places to visit that may help residents in Thurrock to overcome loneliness and make new connections.

Chatty Cafe Scheme

This scheme helps to get people chatting with each other by starting conversations. Meet-ups are organised at venues, offering 'chatter and natter' tables where people can sit down and socialise with others.

Venues that could offer 'chatter and natter' tables include cafes, pubs, libraries and hospitals.

Go to The Chatty Cafe Scheme to find venues in Thurrock hosting 'chatter and natter' tables – The Chatty Cafe Scheme: find a table.

Age Well East

Age Well East supports Thurrock residents through volunteer befriending, local community groups and activities.

The befriending service is available to Thurrock residents who are over the age of 60. Befriender volunteers can visit residents at their homes and have weekly chats over the phone.

Go to Age Well East: befriending.

There are also plenty of local groups and activities across the borough. These can offer a perfect opportunity to start a new hobby or simple have a chat and connect with others.

Go to Age Well East: find groups and events.

Park Runs

Running groups are a great way to keep fit, surround yourself with nature and meet new people.

Residents can walk, jog or run at their own pace every Saturday with the Thurrock 5km Parkrun. For those not keen on running, there are plenty of spaces to volunteer or spectate.

Go to Parkrun: Thurrock.

Belhus Park Book Club

Impulse Leisure Centre hosts a weekly book club every Thursday from 1pm to 3pm. With over 100 books available to swap, not only is it a chance to discover new literature, it's also a place to socialise and have a chat about the books being read.

For more information, phone 01708 856 297.

Local Area Coordinators

Thurrock Council can support people who may feel vulnerable due to age, frailty, disability or mental health needs with the aim of leaving residents feeling safe, secure and more confident about the future.

This can include help from Local Area Coordinators, who can offer information, advice, and support, including how to meet new people and get involved with groups, activities or volunteering in the borough.

Request a phone call from a Local Area Coordinator at Thurrock Frontline: arrange a call back from Local Area Coordination.


The mental health charity, Mind, is for anyone struggling with their mental wellbeing. They also offer information on how to overcome loneliness, along with useful contacts that could help.

Go to Mind: loneliness.
