Public notice

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Temporary Prohibition or Restriction of Traffic

Marshfoot, Grays - Speed reduction

Notice is hereby given that Thurrock Borough Council, in exercise of the powers under sections 1, 2, 4, 84 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (hereinafter referred to as “the 1984 Act”) and all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the1984 Act, hereby gives notice that they have made the above order on the 12th December 2024, the order will come in to force on the 26th December 2025.

1) The general effect of the Order would be to 

  1. To revoke existing 50mph Speed Limit restriction at the locations specified below:-
  1. A126 Marshfoot Road from a point of 340m west from its junction with Chadwell Bypass in a western direction to a point of 70m northwards of its junction with Old Dock Approach Road
  1. To introduce a 40mph Speed Limit restriction at the locations specified below:-
  1. A126 Marshfoot Road from a point of 340m west from its junction with Chadwell Bypass in a western direction to a point of 70m northwards of its junction with Old Dock Approach Road
  1. Marshfoot Road from a point of 46m west from the western property wall No 2 Bretts Cottages, Marshfoot Road in easterly direction for a distance of 195m

2) A copy of the Made Order together with the plans can be viewed on Thurrock Council’s website at Alternatively the proposals can be viewed by appointment during normal office hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm), by contacting the Transport Delivery Team via [email protected]. Those who are unable to email can phone 01375 652652.

3) Any person wishing to object to the validity of the Order or any of its provisions on the grounds that it is not within the powers conferred by the 1984 Act, or that any requirements of the Act has not been complied with, may, within 6 weeks from the date of on which the order is made apply for the purpose to the High Court.

Peter Wright

Head of Highways & Transport Delivery

Thurrock Council

Publication date: 
Wednesday 11 December 2024