Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning
The following application(s) have been received. Any representations thereon should be delivered to the Chief Planning Officer at the address below within 21 days of advertisement publication.
Proposed construction a new cable tunnel beneath the River Thames between Tilbury and Gravesend to provide additional transmission capacity. Above-ground infrastructure in the form of a new Cable Sealing End compound and a new head house building along with associated electricity infrastructure, access, parking, boundary treatment and two overhead gantry structures for future overhead lines. Temporary compound for the duration of the project to provide parking, staff welfare facilities, delivery vehicle parking, and equipment and machinery storage, including boundary treatment and lighting.
Land to the south of National Grids Electrical Substation for new cable tunnel, Fort Road, Tilbury.
(Includes an Environmental Statement)
(Development affecting a public footpath)
Chief Planning Officer
Thurrock Council
Civic Offices
New Road
RM17 6SL