Call for sites
Call for Sites is open — Do you own or know about a site which could be suitable for new development?
The Council is asking landowners, developers and other organisations or individuals to identify land with the potential for future development.
Do you own, or know of, a site that could be suitable for housing, commercial development or infrastructure and environmental projects?
Please tell us about it during this open call for sites.
The call for sites will close on 31 January 2025. Suggestions for suitable sites should be submitted by this date to ensure that they can be included in the Council’s Housing Land Availability Assessment which is a technical study that will help identify development sites for the new Thurrock Local Plan.
Now is the time to act if you have new sites for submission or would like land in your ownership to have its potential suitability for future development considered through the Local Plan process.
In 2024, the Council introduced a new online tool for submitting sites. This new tool allows you to submit your site directly into the live call for sites database and to update information about your site as and when needed. If you submitted a site for consideration before 2024, please can you register your site again using the new online tool. If you have already registered your site using the new online tool, now is the best time to check that the information is still up to date.
Sites submitted for housing should be large enough for at least 5 new houses or flats. Sites for employment and other uses should be at least 0.25 hectares (or be large enough for 500m2 of floorspace).
Please make a separate submission for each site. The more information you can provide about your site and what you would like it considered for, the more it helps the Council to assess its potential.
Why is the Council welcoming suggestions for sites with development potential?
This is a special consultation that the Council is using to source potential sites as part of its new Local Plan.
The Council needs to ensure there is housing and employment opportunities for everyone, as well as accommodation available for the Gypsy and Traveller communities within our borough.
The Call for Sites is not an indication of likely planning permission, but simply an opportunity to have sites assessed. The idea is to create a potential pool of sites for the new Local Plan.
Sites that are submitted will be assessed against specific criteria to establish if they are suitable, and the resulting information used to inform the new Thurrock Local Plan. The Local Plan will be a guide for development over future years. Further information can be found at: Thurrock Local Plan | New Local Plan for Thurrock | Thurrock Council or by emailing [email protected].
Please submit a site here:
If this is your first time submitting a site using the new online tool, you will need to click the link above and create an account first, before you can register your site. Further guidance on signing up and submitting a site is available here:
Please read the Council’s Privacy Notice prior to signing up.