Other groups
Thurrock has several groups that meet to represent the interests of adult social care service users.
Autism Action Group
The Autism Action Group meets 3 times a year and is for people with experience of services in Thurrock. The purpose of the group is to:
- oversee progress of services against the autism strategy and action plan
- help to plan services and support that are appropriate for local needs
- involve people with autism and their family members in the development local plans
The group was set-up by Thurrock Coalition and Thurrock Council.
Disability Partnership Board
The Disability Partnership Board makes sure everyone, including the council, health and local organisations and groups work together on important matters that affect disabled people. The partnership board monitors key areas and reports back on issues, including:
- the staying safe group, which supports and monitors disability hate crime, safeguarding and being safe in the community
- the health group, which supports equal access to health care for disabled people
Mental Health Partnership Board
The Mental Health Partnership Board offers a forum for people to work together to influence services developed for people with mental health problems.
Mental Health Forum
The Mental Health Forum was created for people who use mental health services, their friends and relatives to talk about their experiences and offer those experiences and views for discussion at the Mental Health Partnership Board.
Dementia Action Alliance
Thurrock Dementia Action Alliance (DAA) brings together businesses, services, organisations and charities to help people with the condition live well make in our community.
Thurrock Older People's Parliament
Thurrock Older People's Parliament meets 4 times a year. It provides a way for older people to be involved and influence decisions.
Thurrock Over-fifties Forum
Thurrock Over-fifties Forum provides a forum for older people. Their role includes:
- holding a regular lunch club
- lobbying for older people and providing monthly speakers
- helping older people with their pensions and bus passes
- organising coach trips
- attending NHS and other partnership board meetings
Contact Thurrock First for information about any of these groups.