Attending public meetings

Guide to questions and statements

If you wish to speak or ask a question at a public meeting, you must ask for permission in advance.

You can ask to speak at meetings of:

You may speak only once at any one meeting.

Deciding who will speak

When we receive the question you wish to ask, or the statement you wish to make, we will check to make sure that:

  • it is clear and easy to understand
  • it is not defamatory or offensive
  • it is not similar to a question or statement already considered in the past year
  • it does not include confidential information
  • it does not ask for confidential or exempt information
  • employees of the council are not personally identified
  • a question is not extended to become a statement

Following this check, we may suggest changes to your question or statement.

If your request to speak is accepted, we will include it on the agenda for the meeting.

If more than one person wishes to ask a similar question, we will hold a ballot – with all those persons invited to be present – that decides who will speak. This is often needed for Planning Committee meetings.

Repeat questions

You are not allowed to repeat the same question – or a similar question – within a 12-month period. This is to make sure each committee has enough time to discuss a range of different subjects.