Business waste and recycling

Your waste, your responsibility

All businesses that produce waste must, by law, have appropriate arrangements for storing, transporting and disposing of any waste coming from their premises.

Businesses must be able to provide a valid waste transfer note from a carrier licensed by the Environment Agency – go to GOV.UK: waste transfer notes. Our enforcement officers may ask businesses to provide waste transfer notes covering the last 2 years.

You risk being fined £300 if you don't have the correct documents.

Any business that produces waste must make sure:

  • Waste on their premises is safely contained in appropriate receptacles
  • Steps are taken to prevent waste spilling or blowing away, and clean up any that does
  • Waste is transferred to a registered waste carrier
  • A waste transfer note is completed and jointly signed with the person or organisation who carries the waste
  • The waste transfer note must describe the type of waste, how it is contained and how much of it there is
  • The waste hierarchy must be applied before the transfer takes place and recorded on the waste transfer note
  • The waste transfer note must be kept for a minimum of 2 years

For more information, go to GOV.UK: dispose of business or commercial waste.