Career support for young people

What schools and colleges provide

The following will be provided to all young people in Thurrock.

Careers, employability and enterprise education

All schools and colleges will include within the curriculum from ages 11 to 19, a programme of careers education and preparation for adult life. It will include education for employability and enterprise, and be based on a nationally recognised framework.

Schools and colleges will organise such programmes in ways that best suit their curriculum. Usually this includes separately timetabled elements, supported by curriculum days and work within some subject lessons.

Information about study options

Schools and colleges will make available to young people and their parents or carers:

  • printed information
  • online information
  • information events
  • talks from departments, the studio school, colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers and training providers

Information about the job market

Schools and colleges will make available:

  • printed information
  • online information
  • careers fairs
  • talks from employers

Contact with employers and employees

Schools and colleges will invite employers and employees to talk with students and get involved in other activities to help students learn about the world of work and develop their skills. They will also organise visits to employers.

Talks from, and visits to, apprenticeship providers, colleges and universities

School and colleges will invite staff and students from apprenticeships, training providers, sixth forms, colleges and universities, to talk to young people and their parents or carers. They will also arrange visits for young people to a range of work, training and education providers.

Experience of the workplace

All schools and colleges will arrange at least one opportunity for students to spend time in a workplace during key stage 4 or in the post-16 phase of education.

For some students a period of work experience may be the best choice, whereas for others a work visit or work 'shadowing' may be better. Schools may give some students a second workplace experience in a later key stage.

Progress reviews

All schools and colleges have regular reviews with students at least once a year. Through these reviews, students are referred on to careers advisers who will give guidance that meets their needs. The tutors and mentors follow-up the guidance sessions in their next reviews with students.

Schools and colleges also provide opportunities for parents and carers to discuss their child's progress and career plans with staff.

Personalised and impartial careers guidance

Through their tutoring and mentoring, schools and colleges will assess the guidance needs of all their students. Schools and colleges work with careers advisers to refer all students that need guidance for individual interviews.

Guidance interviews are provided by careers advisers who are not employed at the school or college, but who hold a professional qualification in careers guidance at Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Level 6 or above. Students can refer themselves for careers guidance and make appointments to see the adviser. Parents and carers can also ask to talk with the adviser.

Schools and colleges will only use guidance services from organisations that have achieved the national standard – the Matrix Standard – for guidance providers.


All schools and colleges review their careers education annually, to make sure it continues to meet the needs of students. The review process includes the chance for students, parents and carers to give feedback and suggest improvements.