Report the death of someone with a learning disability
People with learning disabilities in the UK are 4 times more likely to die of preventable causes compared with the rest of the population.
We want to make sure people with learning disabilities get the right care in the right place, with the right support, so this inequality can be reduced.
How you can help
If you know someone with learning disabilities in Thurrock who has recently died, please report the details.
We take part in a national NHS-funded programme called the 'Learning Disabilities Mortality Review' (LeDeR), which is looking into deaths across the UK.
You can share what you know by completing a NHS LeDeR 'notification of death' form online.
NHS: report the death of someone with learning disabilities
Anyone can make a report – you don't have to be related to the person. Your report will not be treated as an official registration of death.
Thank you for your help with this important work.
You can find out more about the national programme at NHS England: learning disabilities.