Choosing a school for your child
When applying for a school place, it's very important that you think about how your child will get to and from school.
This includes if your child is:
- starting school for the first time
- moving from primary to secondary education
- moving to a different school
On your school admission application, by including the nearest suitable school – the one that's the shortest distance from your home – you have the best chance of:
- getting a place at a local school
- getting help with travel, if your child is eligible – check who is eligible
A 'suitable' school means the nearest one of a type listed below that is right for the age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs of your child. The 'suitable' school must be either:
- a community, foundation or voluntary school
- a community or foundation special school
- a non-maintained special school
- a pupil referral unit
- a city technology college (CTC) or a city college for the technology of the arts (CCTA)
- an academy or a free school
- a university technical college (UTC)
- an independent school that is named on the child’s Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan
You can find out more about applying for a school place on our school admissions pages.