Apply for a licence
Before you apply for a House in multiple occupation (HMO) licence you should read our information on licensing for certain HMOs and our detailed fees and charges.
You can apply online for a HMO licence.
GOV.UK: application to license a HMO
Where documents are needed as part of your application, originals must be submitted.
We are currently unable to receive payments via the GOV.UK application website – when you have completed your application, please call our payments phone line, quoting your online application reference number.
: 01375 652 652
If your property doesn't meet the necessary standards when you apply, we can still issue a licence but with conditions for bringing it up to the correct standard.
After you apply for a licence
When we receive your application to licence a house in multiple occupation (HMO), we must process and approve it before we can grant you a licence.
We do not issue licences automatically.
After processing your application, we will tell you and any other interested parties whether we plan to grant or refuse the licence.
A consultation period of 14 days will then follow, which gives you and all interested parties the chance to ask questions, challenge our decision or make comments.
When the consultation period has ended, we will send you notice of our decision either to grant or refuse the licence. If your application has been successful, we will send you a copy of the licence.
Appealing decisions to refuse a property licence
You can appeal to a residential property tribunal if you don't agree with:
- the licence decision
- the conditions of your licence
- a decision to change or revoke your licence
If you wish to appeal, you must do so within 28 days of the date on which the decision was made.
For more information, go to: