How we can help your business

Recruitment and skills support

Support is available locally to help your business recruit and build the skills of employees.

Skills support

Business skills support is available the following local providers. Skills range from lower-level literacy or numeracy skills, up to degree-level technical qualifications.

Thurrock Adult Community College (TACC) provides free training to local businesses to help them improve maths skills within their workforce. They offer short training courses and workshops to suit different needs. For more information, go to TACC: Refresh your skills and TACC: Courses.

South Essex College is the largest provider of technical and vocational education and training in Essex. They offer a wide range of courses to employers. Go to South Essex College: Employers.

South Essex College is a partner in the South East Institute of Technology, which has a focus on reskilling and upskilling adults who are already employed. They offer short modular programmes and bespoke training, as required.

South East Advanced Technical Skills (SEATS) is an employer-led not-for-profit company that enables higher-level technical education programmes for employers, through university providers. It also provides residents of south Essex with a clear route to high-skilled employment.

Recruitment support

If your business would like support with recruitment events, you can contact us by email below. We can help to facilitate larger-scale recruitment events at no cost, working with a wide range of partners, including Jobcentre Plus and providers from the private sector and voluntary sector.

You can advertise job vacancies for free on Thurrock Opportunities. Go to Thurrock Opportunities: advertising your job vacancy.

You can also post your vacancy within the Facebook: Thurrock Opportunities group.

Economic Development team
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

: [email protected]