Langdon Hills Country Park


The park has many several different habitats, including:

  • woodland, including areas of ancient woodland
  • species-rich hay meadows
  • grassland
  • scrub
  • ponds

Langdon Hills has an abundance of native trees including the rare wild service tree. In the spring the woodland is a carpet of bluebells and other woodland flowers.

The park is a good place for birdwatching. When you walk around you may hear or even see all three native species of woodpecker. Stop a while and let the birds come to you at the winter bird feeding station.

In the summer the colourful meadows are alive with the sounds of grasshoppers and crickets and visited by a large variety of butterflies.

The protected Great Crested Newt is found in the ponds around the site and dragonflies can be seen over the water.

Check the sightings board at One Tree Hill to see which plants and animals have been spotted in the park during the current year.