Forms and plans
We need to know about you so we can care for you properly. We need to write things down so it's not lost or forgotten.
When plans or decisions are made it is important that everyone remembers what was agreed and what they have to do. Writing things down helps people remember clearly.
Having things written down can allow other people to help you when your social worker is away.
The information written down about you might be helpful and important to you later on in your life – even if you don't feel that now.
Care plan
We will make a plan for your time in care – this is called a care plan.
All young people who are looked after must have a care plan. A care plan is all about you and providing help and support for your needs. Your care plan should state clearly:
- what we plan to do for you
- when things will be done
We can only change your a care plan at a review meeting.