Petitions about planning, licensing or in response to consultations
Processes are already in place for people to voice their opinions about planning, licensing and responses to consultation.
Petitions about planning
If your petition is about planning, send it to the address below.
Assistant Director of Planning and Growth
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL
This includes matters concerning:
- a planning application
- a planning enforcement
- a development plan document
- a community infrastructure charge
Petitions about licensing
If your petition is about licensing, send it to the address below.
Assistant Director of Environment
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL
This includes matters concerning:
- alcohol licensing
- gambling licensing
- sex establishment licensing
Petitions in response to council consultations
If your petition is about something we are currently consulting about, you should contact the council department responsible for the consultation directly.