Planning pre-application advice

Applying for pre-application advice

You can apply online for pre-application advice.

Apply for pre-application advice

We will acknowledge receipt of your request and give the timescale for a reply, together with the name and contact details of the case officer.

Planning pre-application advice fees

The following fees for different types of advice are applicable from 1 April 2024.

Advice type Fee, including VAT Time within which we provide advice
Householder – written advice £82 15 working days
Householder – written advice and half-hour meeting with planning officer £120 15 working days
Householder, proposals in a conservation area or works to listed building – written advice and half-hour meeting with planning officer and conservation officer £455 15 working days
Single dwelling, replacement or residential annexe – written advice and half-hour meeting with planning officer £243 30 working days
Single dwelling, replacement or residential annexe in a conservation area or for a listed building – written advice and half-hour meeting with planning officer and conservation officer £570 30 working days
Alterations to a listed buildings, either residential or commercial – written advice and half-hour meeting with planning officer and conservation officer £455 30 working days
Minor development – written advice and 1 hour meeting £695 30 working days
Residential major development, 10-49 units – written advice and 1 hour meeting £2,475 40 working days
Residential major development, 50-99 units – written advice and 1 hour meeting £3,575 40 working days
Residential major development, 100-499 units – written advice and 1 hour meeting £5,700 40 working days
Residential major development, 500 or more units – written advice and 1 hour meeting £7,150 40 working days
Non-residential major development, 1,000-4,999 square metres – written advice and 1 hour meeting £2,475 40 working days
Non-residential major development, 5,000-9,999 square metres – written advice and 1 hour meeting £3,575 40 working days
Non-residential major development, 10,000-29,999 square metres – written advice and 1 hour meeting £5,700 40 working days
Non-residential major development, 30,000 or more square metres – written advice and 1 hour meeting £7,150 40 working days
Follow-up meetings – householder 50% of original meeting cost for additional 1-hour meetings and, when schemes change, the fee for further comments is £65 15 working days
Follow-up meetings – minor development 50% of original meeting cost for additional 1-hour meetings and, when schemes change, the fee for further comments is £155 30 working days
Follow-up meetings – major development 50% of original meeting cost for additional 1-hour meetings and, when schemes change, the fee for further comments is £466 40 working days
Attendance at meetings by a specialist – for example, ecology or listed building £310 per hour in addition to the meeting cost

Further information

Development Management

: [email protected]