Prepare for an emergency
For national advice on preparing for an emergency, go to GOV.UK: Prepare.
For national advice on preparing for an emergency, go to GOV.UK: Prepare.
Severe weather such as heavy snow, blizzards, dense fog, gales, heat, flooding and wide-spread ice can cause great disruption to daily routines.
Severe weather may affect everyone, but older people and those who are infirm or who have disabilities are particularly vulnerable.
We plan for severe weather so that our essential services can respond to communities in need across Thurrock. We will work with emergency services and other agencies to help return the situation to normal as quickly as possible. Everyone has an important part to play during such difficult times.
Go to Met Office: UK Weather Warnings for warning issued when severe or hazardous weather is expected.
The Met Office aims to issue warnings between 12 hours and 24 hours in advance of any forecast event that has the potential to cause danger to life or widespread disruption of communications or transport.
The government provides advice on floods. Go to:
For more information, go to our section on flooding.
The NHS provides advice about keeping warm or staying cool. Go to NHS: How to stay well in winter and NHS: How to cope in hot weather.
During severe weather:
During a heatwave: