Support for victims
Whether someone has recently been assaulted, or the abuse happened a long time ago, the following agencies can help. You can also speak to domestic abuse agencies.
For all victims of sexual abuse:
South Essex Rape and Incest Crisis Centre (SERICC) – Provides a service to adults and children who have been raped, sexually assaulted, experienced child sexual abuse, sexual harassment or who have experienced any form of sexual violence or attempted sexual assault.
SERICC ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) service – Specific to people who have been sexually assaulted or raped. An ISVA is associated with many agencies and services that you may be using at present and in the future. The ISVA service can offer you emotional support as well as accurate and practical advice when you most need it.
Oakwood Place – Offers free support and practical help to anyone in Essex who has experienced sexual violence and/or sexual abuse.
National association for people abused in childhood – Provides support and information for people abused in childhood.
Rape Crisis - Information about rape and sexual violence and details of your nearest Rape Crisis Centre.
Victim Support – Offers free confidential support to anyone, whether or not the crime has been reported to the police.
NHS Sexual Health – For information on Family Planning, Genito-Urinary Medicine, HIV/AIDS Care Team, Sexual Health Promotion, and Young Peoples Advisory Service.
Southall Black Sisters – Provides information, advice, advocacy, practical help, counselling and support to Asian and African-Caribbean women and children (including male children) experiencing domestic abuse and sexual abuse, including marriage and honour crimes.
For male victims of sexual abuse:
SurvivorsUK – Men overcoming sexual violence together.