Skin piercing
You must be registered with us if you want to carry out certain skin piercing activities. Activities include acupuncture, tattooing, ear piercing and electrolysis.
The registration does not expire unless the business moves to a new address.
Each employee or sole business owner carrying out skin piercing must complete an application form and provide any documentation required by the form.
There is a one-off fee to register a business and a one-off fee for each employee at the business address.
Activity | Fee |
New skin piercing business application | £150 |
Additional new skin piercing business application for second address | £150 |
New employee skin piercing registration application | £80 |
New employee skin piercing registration application to cover ear/nose piercing only – no other skin piercing activity carried out on premises | £10 |
Relocation of an existing business to a new address | £150 |
Relocation of an existing employee skin piercing registration to a new address | £80 |
Replacement of any damaged, lost or stolen skin piercing registration | £80 |
Transfer of the whole or part of a business establishment where skin piercing is carried out | £150 |
There may be other fees depending on the type of skin piercing activity carried out.
Your completed application form should be sent to our Licensing team. You should read the conditions of registration before applying.
As part of the application process, you should contact our Planning Department if:
- you are changing of use of your business premises
- you intend to use an internal room or external outbuilding at your home address for skin piercing
Apply to register a business for skin piercing activities
Apply to register an employee for skin piercing activities
Current licensed premises
For a list of premises or individuals current licensed for skin piercing activities:
- go to Licences Advanced Search – application reference ‘LICSKI’
- scroll down the search page and select the ‘Search’ button