Support for schools

Education finance

We publish a budget statement each year that shows the total amount that can be spent on education between 1 April to 31 March. It covers what we spend, and we provide for schools to spend.

Latest Documents

Our out-turn statement shows details of the total spend for education purposes during the year.

Scheme for financing schools

This scheme sets out our financial relationship with the maintained schools that we fund. It contains requirements for financial management and associated issues that are binding both on us and the schools.

The scheme applies to following types of school that we maintain:

  • community
  • nursery
  • voluntary
  • foundation, including trust
  • foundation special schools
  • community special schools
  • pupil referral units

Schools block funding spreadsheet

This spreadsheet is a completed GOV.UK: Authority proforma tool that provides schools block funding formulae in accordance with the arrangements set out by the Secretary of State for Education. It is both at local authority level and school level.