Restrictions and conditions
Restrictions and conditions apply to your Temporary Event Notice (TEN).
Your event must:
- have fewer than 500 people at any one time, including staff running the event
- last no more than 168 consecutive hours (7 consecutive days)
As the applicant, you:
- must be at least 18 years-old to apply for a TEN
- will need a TEN for each event you hold on the same premises
- can get up to 5 TENs a year, or up to 50 TENs a year if you already have a personal licence to sell alcohol
A single premises:
- will need a TEN for each event
- can have up to 15 TEN applications in one year
- must not have TENs that total more than 21 days in one year
Late TENS restrictions are:
- you can apply for a ‘late TEN’ up to 5 working days before the event
- you can apply for up to 2 late TENs per calendar year, or up to 10 if you have a personal licence
- there must be at least a 24-hour gap between separate but consecutive events