Permitted development rights conditions
Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.
This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.
PDR no. | Planning application |
PDR 108 | 99/00412/OUT, 00/00944/FUL |
PDR 107 | 99/00215/FUL |
PDR 106 | 99/00160/FUL |
PDR 105 | 99/00137/FUL |
PDR 104 | 99/00137/FUL |
PDR 103 | 99/00137/FUL |
PDR 102 | 99/00121/FUL |
PDR 101 | 98/00905/REM |
PDR 100 | 98/00349/FUL |
PDR 99 | 98/00346/OUT |
PDR 98 | 98/00138/REM |
PDR 97 | 98/00095/FUL |
PDR 96 | 98/00046/FUL |
PDR 95 | 98/00012/FUL |
PDR 94 | 97/00916/FUL |
PDR 93 | 97/00823/FUL |
PDR 92 | 97/00791/FUL |
PDR 91 | 97/00781/FUL |
PDR 90 | 97/00689/FUL |
PDR 89 | 97/00598/FUL |
PDR 88 | 97/00302/FUL |
PDR 87 | 97/00147/REM |
PDR 86 | 97/00140/FUL |
PDR 85 | 97/00139/FUL |
PDR 84 | 96/01007/FUL |
PDR 83 | 96/00929/REM |
PDR 82 | 96/00925/REM |
PDR 81 | 96/00913/OUT, 98/00026/FUL |
PDR 80 | 96/00865/FUL |
PDR 79 | 96/00780/FUL |
PDR 78 | 96/00776/OUT, 97/00750/REM |
PDR 77 | 96/00635/FUL |
PDR 76 | 06/00980/FUL |
PDR 75 | 06/00777/FUL |
PDR 74 | 06/00752/FUL |
PDR 73 | 06/00469/FUL |
PDR 72 | 05/01231/FUL |
PDR 71 | 05/01119/FUL |
PDR 70 | 05/01014/FUL |
PDR 69 | 05/00897/FUL |
PDR 68 | 05/00827/FUL |
PDR 67 | 05/00688/FUL |
PDR 66 | 05/00329/FUL, 04/00665/OUT |
PDR 65 | 05/00244/FUL |
PDR 64 | 04/01501/OUT |
PDR 63 | 04/01428/FUL |
PDR 62 | 04/01184/FUL |
PDR 61 | 04/00974/FUL |
PDR 60 | 04/00967/FUL |
PDR 59 | 04/00900/FUL |