Permitted development rights conditions
Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.
This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.
PDR no. | Planning application |
PDR 58 | 04/00861/FUL |
PDR 57 | 04/00577/FUL |
PDR 56 | 04/00389/FUL |
PDR 55 | 04/00283/FUL |
PDR 54 | 04/00272/FUL |
PDR 53 | 04/00251/FUL |
PDR 52 | 04/00069/FUL |
PDR 51 | 04/00038/FUL |
PDR 50 | 03/01145/FUL |
PDR 49 | 03/01137/FUL |
PDR 48 | 03/00606/FUL |
PDR 47 | 03/00596/REM |
PDR 46 | 03/00578/FUL |
PDR 45 | 03/00556/FUL |
PDR 44 | 03/00507/FUL |
PDR 43 | 03/00455/FUL |
PDR 42 | 03/00211/FUL |
PDR 41 | 03/00146/FUL |
PDR 40 | 02/00738/FUL |
PDR 39 | 02/01433/REM |
PDR 38 | 02/01409/FUL |
PDR 37 | 02/01332/FUL |
PDR 36 | 02/01299/REM |
PDR 35 | 02/01230/FUL |
PDR 34 | 02/01089/FUL |
PDR 33 | 02/01068/FUL |
PDR 32 | 02/01013/REM, 02/01392/REM |
PDR 31 | 02/00894/FUL |
PDR 30 | 02/00858/FUL |
PDR 29 | 02/00844/FUL |
PDR 28 | 02/00754/FUL |
PDR 27 | 02/00603/FUL |
PDR 26 | 02/00570/FUL |
PDR 25 | 02/00410/FUL |
PDR 24 | 02/00077/FUL |
PDR 23 | 02/00063/OUT |
PDR 22 | 01/01270/FUL |
PDR 21 | 01/01209/FUL |
PDR 20 | 01/00753/FUL |
PDR 19 | 01/00694/FUL |
PDR 18 | 01/00693/FUL |
PDR 17 | 01/00692/FUL |
PDR 16 | 01/00630/FUL |
PDR 15 | 01/00608/OUT |
PDR 14 | 01/00395/FUL |
PDR 13 | 01/00392/FUL |
PDR 12 | 01/00384/FUL |
PDR 11 | 01/00200/FUL |
PDR 10 | 00/01073/FUL |
PDR 9 | 00/00986/FUL |