Permitted development rights conditions
Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.
This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.
PDR no. | Planning application |
PDR 559 | 08/00791/FUL |
PDR 558 | THU/311/89 |
PDR 557 | 09/00541/FUL |
PDR 556 | 10/00194/FUL |
PDR 555 | 10/00775/FUL |
PDR 554 | 07/00932/FUL |
PDR 553 | 09/00555/FUL |
PDR 552 | THU/361/94 |
PDR 551 | THU/852/82 |
PDR 550 | THU/327/84 |
PDR 549 | THU/461/90 |
PDR 548 | THU/942A/85 |
PDR 547 | THU/880A/86 |
PDR 546 | THU/660/85 |
PDR 545 | THU/197/89 |
PDR 544 | THU/737/94 |
PDR 543 | THU/271/89 |
PDR 542 | THU/15/91 |
PDR 541 | THU/839/90 |
PDR 540 | THU/330A/88 |
PDR 539 | THU/1211/83 |
PDR 538 | THU/395/87 |
PDR 537 | THU/320A/87 |
PDR 536 | THU/324/86 |
PDR 535 | THU/400/94 |
PDR 534 | THU/709/94 |
PDR 533 | THU/464A/85 |
PDR 532 | THU/206/88 |
PDR 531 | THU/11/94 |
PDR 530 | THU/907A/84 |
PDR 529 | THU/813/87 |
PDR 528 | THU/274A/89 |
PDR 527 | THU/275/95 |
PDR 526 | THU/357/92 |
PDR 525 | THU/1109/88 |
PDR 524 | 10/00051/FUL |
PDR 523 | 07/00967/FUL |
PDR 522 | 01/01075/FUL |
PDR 521 | THU/664/83 |
PDR 520 | 98/00670/FUL |
PDR 519 | 98/00596/FUL |
PDR 518 | THU/472/85 |
PDR 517 | THU/876/84 |
PDR 516 | THU/707/84 |
PDR 515 | 05/01264/FUL |
PDR 514 | 99/00657/FUL |
PDR 513 | THU/193/91 |
PDR 512 | THU/617/90 |
PDR 511 | THU/156/90 |
PDR 510 | 10/00193/FUL |