Permitted development rights conditions
Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.
This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.
PDR no. | Planning application |
PDR 509 | 09/00612/FUL |
PDR 508 | 09/50034/TTGREM |
PDR 507 | 09/50039/TTGFUL |
PDR 506 | 09/00334/FUL |
PDR 505 | 08/00707/FUL |
PDR 504 | 09/00569/FUL |
PDR 503 | 05/00608/FUL |
PDR 502 | 07/00752/FUL |
PDR 501 | THU/552D/66 |
PDR 500 | 08/01100/FUL |
PDR 499 | 08/01099/FUL |
PDR 498 | 08/00784/FUL |
PDR 497 | 04/01331/FUL |
PDR 496 | THU/872/72 |
PDR 495 | 07/00645/TTGFUL |
PDR 494 | 07/00889/FUL |
PDR 493 | 06/00624/FUL |
PDR 492 | 02/01235/FUL |
PDR 491 | 07/00607/FUL |
PDR 490 | 07/00314/FUL |
PDR 489 | 06/01108/FUL |
PDR 488 | 06/00298/OUT |
PDR 487 | 06/00896/TTGFUL |
PDR 486 | 05/00343/FUL |
PDR 485 | 04/00855/FUL |
PDR 484 | 02/01472/FUL |
PDR 483 | 07/00389/FUL |
PDR 482 | 07/00159/OUT |
PDR 481 | 06/00705/OUT |
PDR 480 | 07/00415/FUL |
PDR 479 | 07/00805/FUL |
PDR 478 | Thu/998/95 |
PDR 477 | Thu/998/88 |
PDR 476 | Thu/99/85 |
PDR 475 | Thu/986/86 and 415/87 |
PDR 474 | Thu/985/88 |
PDR 473 | Thu/984A/83 |
PDR 472 | Thu/97/90 |
PDR 471 | Thu/969/90 |
PDR 470 | Thu/941/82 |
PDR 469 | Thu/934/83 |
PDR 468 | Thu/917/87 |
PDR 467 | Thu/914/88 |
PDR 466 | Thu/91/90 |
PDR 465 | Thu/890/90 |
PDR 464 | Thu/890/88 |
PDR 463 | Thu/871/91 |
PDR 462 | Thu/87/91 |
PDR 461 | Thu/863/88/HA4 |
PDR 460 | Thu/863/88/HA3A |