Bus fares

Bus fares in Thurrock

Bus fare information is provided by the companies that operate bus routes in Thurrock.

Discounted fares are available on some routes for children and families.

CitizenCard is an official UK card for proof of age and identity. You can apply for a CitizenCard if you need to prove your age to get a discounted travel fare. CitizenCard is a national scheme, not part of Thurrock Council – costs apply.

Ensignbus fares

You can find details of Ensignbus fares on the individual bus service schedules you can download from the Ensignbus website. Open the schedule for the bus route you need. A table showing fares is at the end of each schedule.

First Essex bus fares

You can check First Essex ticket prices on their website. Select a zone or area in which you will be travelling – for example, 'Thurrock' – and whether you're travelling as an adult or child, along with the ticket type you need.

Transport for London bus fares

Bus routes 347, 370 and 372 are Transport for London 'cash free' buses, which means you can't use cash to pay for your bus fare. Pay as you go with contactless or Oyster cards. For details of fares, go to Transport for London: bus and tram fares.

Other bus fares

You can download details of fares on other bus routes, below.