Rejected expressions of interest
An expression of interest may be rejected:
- if it does not meet the requirements of the service, or is outside the regulations that we must comply with
- if the information presented is inaccurate or is inadequate to be fully considered
- if the organisation is not suitable to provide the service, for example it doesn't have the necessary qualifications or past conduct
- because we have already formally decided that the service is not to be continued
- falls outside of the Localism Act because it is an exempt service
- the service is already the subject of a procurement exercise
- negotiations in writing are underway for the service
- we have already published our intention to consider the provision of the service by a body to be set up by 2 or more employees
- the expression of interest is frivolous or vexatious
- because it would lead to a breach of the law, or statutory duty
Rejected expressions of interest will be published on our register: