Pupils missing from school - high risk
The following actions will be taken by professionals if a child goes missing from a school roll and is considered to be at high risk.
This applies to any child that is:
- subject to a child protection plan
- subject to a child in need plan
- a looked after child
The child's key worker is to be notified within the first 24 hours of the unauthorised absence if no home contact can be made. An immediate child missing education (CME) referral should also be made to the Pupil Tracking and Child Employment Officer, who will arrange for the Education Engagement Officer to contact the key worker and agree a plan of action.
The child will be reported to the Missing Children's Panel immediately.
Where it is suspected or known that a pupil is at potential risk or harm, or where there is information or reason to suspect the pupil has been a victim of criminal activity:
- the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) should be notified immediately
- the Education Welfare Service will be notified as soon as possible afterwards